Saturday, February 18, 2006

Why I do this?

I can't remember now exactly how I stumbled onto this 'hobby. I've only been involved for a little over 3 months as a 'scam baiter', and a little less than that as a 'romance scam baiter'.
I think it was during a period of boredom that I stumbled onto a link to a 'baiting' story at
I have a sense of humour, and justice, and decided to get involved. I initially tried some typical '419' baiting, and then drifted into the 'romance' scammers when I became aware of them. They are much easier to play with, and for a single heterosexual man, the pictures and letters can be 'interesting' at times!
I have been lonely, and 'horny' at times, and can understand how it's possible to be taken in by them. Actually, there have been a few I found myself wishing were 'real'! Sometimes I would spend more time trying to prove to myself they weren't a 'scammer', than I did looking for the evidence that they were one. A few times I had to detach myself from the 'romance', and let them 'get away'.
I apologize to anyone who may be offended by some comments I make in the course of 'working' these scammers. I am not a crude, or insensitive person. The majority of these
'ladies' are young and attractive. A few are older, and maybe not so attractive.
'Somebody' behind these women is a criminal. Any rude, lewd, or angry comments, or jokes,
I make about these 'ladies', is intended to ridicule the crooks who are actually behind these scams, and to make reading my reports enjoyable.
In many of these pictures, the 'ladies' depicted are victims as well. Some are not involved in any way with the scam attempts. My apologies to them if I offend them. Other 'ladies' are involved, or were involved, and deserve our scorn.
These 'ladies' are, in most cases, nothing more than a collection of pictures, and a set of letters. The collection of pictures are used over, and over, again, as are the pre-written letters.
Sometimes the lady is actively involved, but that is difficult to prove.
The letters, called 'scripts' in the hobby, are pre-written, sometimes marginally personalized, and interchanged with other sets of scripts and letters.
I've only been at this a short time, but am recognizing faces, and phrases, already.
I'm not the type of person to sit for hours playing video games, or computer games. I will sit for hours at a computer, 'baiting' these ladies, and researching them on the internet.
I like the 'brain work' it takes. I like the challenge of the hunt for evidence they are scammers. I wish I could say I am 'out smarting' them, but I'm really not. It's too easy to 'bait' them.
While I do enjoy doing this, at times it's tedious, and sad. Then, I remember that the information I publish on the 'net may help some potential victim save a little money, and a lot of heartache. That makes it worth it!

My 'name' is not intended to offend Blacks. It was chosen in a moment that was less than inspired. I was trying to come up with a known 'name' that would be somewhat humourous, and identifiable to most Americans. 'Stepan Fetchit' is not used in any correspondence with the
'ladies'. I use an assortment of 'cartoon character', and other names, for that.
These 'scammers' create a little fantasy world, that is easy to get sucked into. If you ever find yourself in contact with one, slap yourself in the face, wake up, cut them off, and spend time with 'real' people! You're better off!

Mari El chapter of STEPAN FETCHIT FAN CLUB elects new president!

You have to have a sense of humour, I think, when dealing with these scammers!
I have been in contact with OKSANA BELOUSOVA for about 2 and half months, and have a few hundred boring letters from her.
Did I say boring?
This picture showed up today at several of my characters email boxes around the same time.
It had some generic words of endearment on the 'sign'.
I could not pass up the opportunity for a little

(Note: Mari El is a Repubic in the 'Former Soviet Union' that is the home to a majority of the 'Russian Romance Scams'. OKSANA claims to be somewhere else, but her emails come from
Mari El. )

More info. on OKSANA BELOUSOVA at:

Self-help tips! Do you think you are being Scammed?

I'm compiling a directory of self-help tips and tools for determining if you are in contact with a romance scammer. This will be updated, and added to as I think of things to write about.

If you have a computer, you are capable of finding a lot of information on a possible scammer,
and saving yourself a lot of heartache, and some money!

The evidence is usually there. It's up to you to find it! You can decide if you want to be a victim, or not.

TIP! Think you're getting scammed? Google the email address!

Sometimes they'll show up on a scammer lists, or connect you to other information on the person you are writing!
If you've been in contact with a scammer, it's important to provide information on your 'sweetie' to the various 'scammer' sites. This makes the details searchable by the search engines, and may prevent another person from becoming a victim!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Nadejda Popova, (in progress) SUSPECTED SCAMMER

Just for kicks, since they're so rare, (middle aged scammer) I will answer the letter sent from this lady at a large dating site.

A check of her email headers show the email originated from other than where she claims to be!

This is 'in progress', and the 'victims' name in the letters is removed and replaced with 'X's'.

Why a scam?
Along with the email header information, this lady has sent 3 actual emails, and is suggesting an
assignation, with a man she has never seen a single picture of!

More pictures and letters at:

Marina Popova, Kazan SUSPECTED SCAMMER

She contacted me on a dating site. This gal isn't exactly your typical 'Russian Scammer Cutie'! I can't tell if that's a bad wig, or bad dye job?
Looks a little suspicious. Some pictures were SCANS, not digital. I quit on this one before she asked for any money.


Birthdate:January, 19, 1979

More pictures and letters at:

Margarita, Kazan Scammer (In progress)

Margarita is contacting men on internet dating sites.
She is listed as a scammer on at least one site.
This is a scam 'in progress', and will be updated.
XXXX in the letters indicate potential victim name is removed.


Email:using (current),

Letters and pictures at:

Alla, translator fee scam attempt

'Alla' contacted me on an internet dating site. After a few, pleasant letters, I was contacted by her 'translator agency'
and informed she had run out of money for the 'fees', but I could
pay them for her if I wanted to keep writing her!
How nice of them!

Letters and Photos at:

Tatyana, Cheboksary, Suspected Scammer

Tatyana contacted me on an internet dating site.

I only got this one, long letter from her, and then one short reply stating that my 50 year old male character wasn't too old for her. Haven't heard back from her.

AGE: 24

Letter, and pictures at:

Nadia, Nadia3000

This is one who contacted me on Kissesline. She actually contacted several names of mine, and I had varying success in writing her. One character asked for nude pictures, and was cut off. Another jokes with her a bit, but she is not writing, unless he writes her first. Her email headers do indicate Mari El.


Do not send money!

More pictures and letters at:


'Nastya' contacted me on an internet dating site. Her letters and photos so 'packaged', I lost interest in writing her.


Do not send money!

Letters, and pictures at:

Regina, , SCAMMER

Here's one that contacted me on a dating site, claiming to be a physician in Germany. I did a search of the email headers, which gave an IP address in the Russia. Her job changes in her letters.
AGE: 26

Do not send this girl money!

More info. and letters at:

Nadegda Grigoreva, Suspected Scammer!

Pretty girl, nice eyes! Nadegda contacted my character on an internet dating site, then attempted some sort of money laundering or 'Ebay' fraud. Not sure which. I wasn't interested in following through on it.
She will use 'Skype' to talk to you, and is persistant on getting a phone number to call you, or 'cause you', as she spells it!
Stay away! I doubt she's up to anything good!

More info. and letters at:

Anna Pavlova, Kazan SCAMMER

Anna contacted me on an internet dating site. These pictures are also used with more names, and email addresses.
Do not send money to this person!!!
Also using with same pictures, different letters.

Letters and more pictures at:

Kristina Andreevna, SCAMMER

Kristina is older than your typical scammer. She contacted my character on an internet dating site.
Do not send money to this person!

Letters, and more pictures at:

Maria Kozlova, Kazan Scammer

Maria contacted my character on a dating site, and we exchanged a few emails, until information on her was found on another 'scammers' site.
Do not send gifts or money to this person!

More pictures, and letters at:

Anna, Cheboksary,

'Anna' contacted me on an internet dating site, and quickly progressed into 'love' in her letters.
Don't believe it, and don't send money!!

Birthdate: 22.10.1980
The pictures are probably of a model, not related to the scam. I have seen her pictures on several scammer sites.

Letters and more pictures at:

Olga, Cheboksary, SCAMMER

She's prowling the dating sites, and is pretty fast with the letters and pictures, so I figured I throw her info out on the ' the search engines can eat her up, and spit her out on demand!

Some letters at:

Elena, , SCAMMER

Elena contacted me on an internet dating site, and soon the letters became 'passionate'!
While she never asked me for money, these pictures are connected with other scam attempts, and with other names.
Oksana Kuznecova, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Natalia of Moscow


Do not send money!

Letters and more info at:

Mariya,, KAZAN, Scammer

I had a brief exchange of letters with MARIYA, after she contacted me on a dating site. She is linked with another verified scammer, and the letters and pictures may be interchanged.
Do not send money!

More pictures and letters at:

Marina Zaharova,, SCAMMER

'Marina' contacted me on a dating site. She was pleasant and chatty to write to, and it took 3-4 weeks for her to 'love me'! I just chatted with her, and kept telling her I was too old, fat, and ugly for her, but I thought she was a cutie! I told her a couple of times I didn't know if I wanted to adopt her, or romance her. Her picture is used with at least one other name, Lilia, on a dating site, and I've seen these pictures used with other names
. age:27

Email: also

Pictures and letters at:

Olga Mihaseva, Marina Savinova, and more, SCAMMER

Olga Mihaseva contacted me on an internet dating site, then sent a series of romantic emails. Pictures of this lady are also used with other names, Marina Savinova is one, and are connected with previous romance scam attempts.

Letters at:

Elena Veselova, Romance scammer

Elena Veselova contacts men on internet dating sites, then begins an email romance, that culminates in her asking for money for help with travel expenses.
The money will be pocketed, and no Elena will arrive.
Do not send this lady money! You will never meet her!
(Both 'bouncing as of this writing. New email address should surface, soon.)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Natasha Vasileva, Cheboksary, SCAMMER , "I bakee pies!"

'Natasha' is a romance scammer, contacting men on internet dating sites.

She will 'fall in love' via email, plan a journey to meet the man, then run into financial problems, and request money.

If you send money, you will never see this girl!
NEVER send money!
Email address:

Samples of letters, and more pictures at:
Note, the content of the above may be considered 'adult'. Over 18, only, please!

Olga Romanova, (MANY NAMES) Romance scammer

This lady uses many names, in excess of 30 have been identified.
Typically she will contact men via email, usually looking for some foreign city to work in. She will decide to move to 'your' city, and live with you! She will then run into money difficulties, and request help with travel expenses.
Do not send money! You will never see her!
EMAIL:too numerous to list!
Names: MANY!
Example of letters:
More pictures:
This lady is so prolific, she is listed at least ONCE on virtually ALL scammer sites!

Elena Petrova, , scammer

Elena Petrova is a Romance scammer, and uses many names. If you are in contact via email with any woman who sends you pictures of this lady, you are being scammed!

EMAIL: (and more)

Never send money! You will never meet her!

Samples of letters at:

Extensive pictures at:

Eugeny Sereda,, Romance Scammer

Eugeny Sereda is a Romance Scammer. She will contact Men on dating sites, write a few emails, claim to fall in love, then request money for travel expenses to meet them. Do not send money! You will never meet her!
Email addresses ,

Pictures, and samples of letters at:

Oksana Belousova, Oksana1976, Oksana28, Oksana03

Oksana Belousova is a prolific romance scammer, lurking on many internet dating sites. She uses the ID
'Oksana1976' and 'Oksana03', 'Oksana376', and now 'Oksana28'.
"I decent and sociable girl" appears in most of her dating site profiles.
(Update:new profiles are being modified and may not contain this phrase! )
Email addresses used are:

Do not send her gifts, or money! You will never meet her!
Extensive Photo collection at:
Samples of her letters at:

Some pictures: